Happy New Year 2016 from Lesotho 2

The mountainous kingdom of Lesotho, with a few natural resources and no significant industrial development, is one of the world’s least developed nations. The country is entirely surrounded and economically dominated by the Republic of South Africa. Much of the workforce is employed in the mines of South Africa, most of the men work in the gold and coal mines where they stay in men-only compounds on basic 6 months-contracts. This massive volume of migrant labour means that Lesotho is highly dependent on the Republic.

basotho 2

see also

Puseletso Seema & Tau Ea Linare -Lesotho

sounds & Basotho songs from Lesotho


Bohale Ba Dinare may not be a familiar name but his music deserves your attention for sure since this album has been on my turntable for the last few days and its festive mood seems like the perfect soundtrack to welcome the New Year 2016.

Happy New Year 2016 from Lesotho cover front watermarked

Sello Sa Basotho

Otla Diala O Di Alole



Ba Monkile

Happy New Year 2016 from Lesotho label A watermarked


Ha Kena Haka

Khalong La Hlotse

Ha Ke Sheba

Oya Kae Disemeng

Happy New Year 2016 from Lesotho label B watermarked

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